
Increase your sales from manual keywords effortlessly using Enhanced Bid Price

Why should I use Enhanced Bid Price? 

It can be time-consuming to manually adjust the bid prices of each individual keyword for your Product Search Ads, or you may feel like you don't have enough data to know what is the "best" bid price.

Enhanced Bid Price helps make your life easier by automatically optimising the bid prices of your manually selected keywords to generate more sales conversions, without significantly increasing your ads expense.  

How does Enhanced Bid Price work? 

Enhanced Bid Price uses an algorithm to predict whether each ad click is likely to lead to a sales conversion or not based on a variety of factors, such as historical data related to your advertised product, your shop and shopping behaviour of each shopper's buying behaviour. It then automatically adjusts the bid prices of your manually selected keywords to increase your sales.

When ad clicks are more likely to generate sales, Enhanced Bid Price will increase bid prices by up to 50%. When ad clicks are less likely to generate sales, Enhanced Bid Price will decrease bid prices by up to 50%. 

  1. For example, if your bid price is $0.30, our system will automatically increase your bid to no more than $0.45 when ad clicks are more likely to generate sales
  2. Our system will also automatically decrease your bid to no lower than $0.15 when ad clicks are less likely to generate sales

How would Enhanced Bid Price impact my ads performance?

Enhanced Bid Price will help to increase sales from your Product Search Ads with manually selected keywords, without significantly increasing your ads spend. In other words, your ads' Return on Investment (ROI) will improve over time.

How do I turn this setting on when setting up my Product Search Ads?

When you set up Product Search Ads and add keywords manually, this setting will be turned on by default. You can toggle it off if you prefer, however you will then need to manually optimise your bid prices for each keyword on a regular basis, in order to maximise your sales. 

How do I turn this setting on/off for my existing Product Search Ads?

To enable this setting for all your existing Product Search Ads,

  1. Select "Turn On Now" when you see the prompt below upon entering Shopee Ads homepage 

If you would like to turn this setting on/off for specific Product Search Ads:

  1. Go to the Ad Detail page of the relevant Product Search Ads
  2. Turn on/off the toggle for Enhanced Bid Price

Does Enhanced Bid Price work for Broad and Exact Match keywords?

Enhanced Bid Price works for both Broad Match and Exact Match keywords.

Will Enhanced Bid Price cause my ad spend to exceed the budget that I set?

No, each ad's expense will still stay within the Total or Daily Budget that you set.

How should I set and optimise my manual bids with Enhanced Bid Price setting turned on?

You should set the appropriate bid price for your keyword depending on the business outcome you want to achieve. Some tips:

  1. Bid competitively and use the suggested bid price if you would like to increase your exposure or sales
  2. Use a lower bid price when using Broad Match if you would like to maximise your ROI
  3. Click here for more information on how to set your bid prices 

We recommend that you let your ad run with Enhanced Bid Price setting for at least 7 days before optimising your bid prices. This allows your ad to gather sufficient data for you to optimise its bid price well.

  1. Click here for more information on how to optimise your bid prices

Why am I not able to see how Shopee is optimising my bid prices?

An algorithm updates your bid prices every few minutes throughout the day, which makes it impractical to dynamically update the bid prices in real time.

Rest assured that our system will adjust your bid price upwards or downwards by up to only 50%. 

Can I control this feature from the Shopee app?

No, you will only be able to use this feature by accessing Shopee Ads through the Seller Centre website.

