
Setting Up Targeting Ads for Many Products

Can I set up Targeting Ads for multiple products?

Yes, you can set up Targeting Ads for up to 10 products at one time.  

How do I easily set up Targeting Ads for all my active or scheduled Keyword Ads?

  1. When you successfully publish a Keyword Ad for a product that does not have any ongoing or scheduled Targeting Ads, a pop up will appear.
  2. Click on Mass set up Targeting Ads and set the bid price. 
  3. Click Publish Targeting Ads.

How do I activate all my active or scheduled Targeting Ads in new display locations (i.e. Daily Discover and You May Also Like)?

  1. If you have ongoing or scheduled Targeting Ads that are not running in Daily Discover or You May Also Like, you will see a pop up when you login to My Ads.
  2. Click Switch on Both Locations.


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no ไม่