Homepage Brand Ads

Homepage Brand Ads Best Practices

Campaign Planning

1.Plan early

Book your campaign early to secure availability and cater more time to prepare for your campaign.

a. Be mindful of booking deadlines: The deadline to make a booking is 14 days before the campaign live date. If you miss this deadline, you will not be able to select your desired live date.

  1. For example, if you would like to book a Homepage Brand Ads for your campaign on 25 January, the latest you can create the booking is on 11 January (14 days before the campaign live date). 

b. Confirm your booking early: Bookings that are confirmed earlier have a higher chance of securing the total number of desired impressions at a lower CPM. 

ii. You may make a Homepage Brand Ads booking at most 2 months before the live date.

c. Submit banner creatives early for approval: Banners need to be approved by Shopee before the Homepage Brand Ads goes live. If your creatives are rejected during review, you will need to update and re-submit the banner. 

iii. The deadline to submit creatives is 7 days before the banner live date. Submit earlier to give some buffer time in case your creatives require adjustments.

2.Allocate sufficient ad duration & budget:

a. Plan your budget: The minimum budget required for a single Homepage Brand Ads campaign is S$600. Depending on your selected ad duration, Shopee will automatically suggest the budget needed to book all of the available impressions for the campaign duration. 

b. Select dates in line with your campaign goal:

i. If your goal is to maximise exposure, maintain an always-on campaign. You can view the available booking dates on Seller Centre.

ii. If your goal is to influence sales, select dates where shoppers are more likely to be looking for deals, such as the week before and after a key campaign day.  

c. Review estimated results: Shopee will provide estimated impressions and expense (before tax), based on your selected ad budget, duration and audience. We will also provide the Fixed CPM that will be used to calculate your final Homepage Brand Ads cost for invoicing. 

Banner Creatives

  1. Ensure creatives meet Shopee's guidelines: Review and apply Shopee's guidelines for Homepage Brand Ads creatives to achieve an efficient approval process.
  2. Use high-quality visuals: Attractive visuals can catch the attention of potential customers, to maximise click-through rates.
  3. Highlight your promotion with a clear call-to-action: Convert banner viewers to shop visitors, who are likely to browse other items within your shop.
  4. Align your landing page design/shop decoration with the banner message: A smooth shopping experience encourages add-to-cart and purchase.

Ad Optimisation

  1. Use Auto Targeting audience selection: Drive higher engagement by displaying your ads only to relevant shoppers who are interested in your shop or similar shops. Find out more about audience selection here.

Last updated: 21 Aug 24

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Campaign Planning

Banner Creatives

Ad Optimisation