신규 소식
새로운 이벤트, 프로모션, 기능 등 Shopee Ads와 관련된 최신 업데이트를 알려드려요.
Shopee has updated our Search Ads keyword selection process to improve your user experience and increase the efficiency of creating ads!
You can now:
When adding keywords to your Search Ads, you may choose to manually add your own keywords or select certain recommended keywords. Shopee's recommended keywords will no longer be added to your ad by default when you choose the "Manually Selected" option.
Quality Score will now be displayed in numbers, on a scale of 1 to 10. A higher Quality Score indicates that your ad is
more relevant for that keyword and expected to perform better.
You may now also use the new "Delete All" button if you would like to remove all your selected keywords at once and restart adding keywords.
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