
Even More Display Locations Added for Discovery Ads

Even more display locations are now available for Discovery Ads! With 12.12 right around the corner, create Discovery Ads now to ensure your products are displayed in more locations, increasing product exposure and boosting your sales!

What are the new display locations for Discovery Ads?

We have added the following new display locations in recent months, to provide you with more advertising opportunities:

  1. My Purchases pages (since November 2022)
  2. Order Details pages (since November 2022)
  3. Shopping cart page (since July 2022)
  4. Order success pages (since July 2022)
  5. Selected Shopee games (since July 2022)

How can I advertise my products in these new display locations?

  1. By enabling the You May Also Like display location, your products will be automatically displayed on product details pages, purchase-related pages and order-related pages (as listed above)
  2. By enabling the Daily Discover display location, your products will be automatically displayed on Shopee's homepage and in selected Shopee games

To find out more about Discovery Ads, click here.

For best practices for running Discovery Ads, click here

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